This was reconstructed post-hoc; Fall 2023 was the first term, and was organized originally over email

  1. Overview & Grounded Copilot: How Programmers Interact with Code-Generating Models, OOPSLA 2023.
    • Discussion Lead: Colin
  2. AI-based Question Answering Assistance for Analyzing Natural-language Requirements, ICSE 2023.
    • Discussion Lead: Amirali
  3. Explainable Program Synthesis by Localizing Specifications, OOPSLA 2023 (Oct 23)
    • Discussion Lead: Ismail
  4. “STILL AROUND”: Experiences and Survival Strategies of Veteran Women Software Developers, ICSE 2023 (Oct 30)
    • Discussion Lead: Chaewon
  5. Reference Capabilities for Flexible Memory Management, OOPSLA 2023 (Nov 6)
    • Discussion Lead: Chris
  6. Developer-Intent Driven Code Comment Generation, ICSE 2023 (Nov 13)
    • Discussion Leads: Frank & Ramtin
  7. Thanksgiving Week (Nov 20)
  8. Practice Talks (Nov 27)
    • Two short FSE practice talks: Amirali & Ramtin
  9. Cancelled (Dec 4)
    • Final Exam Week (N/A)